You can not know, but while since Chattin on MSN, and I
[20:58:17] Naco: Lu you see me?
[20:58:53] Lucy & Mars: no you do not see
[20:58:57] Naco: Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[20:58:59] Lucy & Mars XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[20:59:05] Naco:
XD [20:59:28] Lucy & ; Mars Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[20:59:49] Naco: how!
[21:00:30] Lucy & Mars: mado for thousands of years:
[21:01:07] Naco: no, he still does not want!
[21:01:17] Lucy & Mars: why not?
[21:01:46] Naco: boh. He says it's still too early
[21:01:53] Naco, but I want to marry me so much! ç_ç
[21:01:54] Lucy & Mars u_u but if it is old
[21:02:04] Naco: baby feels inside, I know
[21:02:08] Lucy & Mars when deciding? when you say yes to the firm of funeral directors?
[21:02:27] Naco: Maybe he cheats on me with someone who works there, so we're really thinking!
[21:02:54] Lucy & Mars: I'm fituso
thing [21:03:36] Naco: I know that I follow him tomorrow to see if it really goes to work!
[21:04:05] Lucy & Mars: Bravo Bravo
[21:04:08] Lucy & Mars brought the camera
[21:04:17] Naco: yes, yes, and fully charged
[21:04:28] Lucy & Mars: so then take the tests
[21:04:44] Naco: yes, and then the woodpecker
[21:06:00] Lucy & Mars: * _ * brava
[21:06:22] Naco: Did you by chance found My 1000t hammer or something?
[21:06:39] Naco: dforse I left it at home, when we stepped on what we have tried with your boy!
[21:06:43] Lucy & Mars: should I have it in the attic
[21:07:04] Naco: ok, if I find something I will fetch
[21:07:14] Naco: please, if you need to compliment you on
[21:08:53] Lucy & Mars : uu
obvious [21:09:13] Naco: Well, you and they say instead? her husband? The children?
[21:09:24] Lucy & Mars all dead
jaja [21:09:41] Naco: Azz, I'm sorry!
[21:09:46] Naco: Why this tragedy?
[21:10:27] Lucy & Mars, why because I was bored, I decided to paint the house red, and which color is better than blood?
[21:10:37] Naco: Right.
[21:10:49] Naco: I must go and see you soon, so come show me how!
[21:11:23] Lucy & Mars: Shii
* __ * [21:12:16] Naco: when you want. After getting fired from my third job because the boss was a maniac who Shagged all, I have not found anything so I have a lot of free time
[21:19:53] Lucy & Mars: Cool: O
[21:19. 59] Lucy & Mars are again unemployed
* _ * [21:21:43] Naco: Yeah. If I find something about my man, I give myself to the private investigation, I think
[21:21:54] Naco: want to join? Shootings, car chases ...
[21:22:12] Lucy & Mars * _ * obvious blood, I love the blood
[21:22:23] Lucy & Mars with that maybe your husband can paint the garage
jaja [21:23:13] Naco: Ok. You also have a house?
[21:24:30] Lucy & Mars: *.*
obvious [21:24:49] Naco, well, then you'll have to bleach it, I know!
[21:25:07] Lucy & Mars *_______________* blood blood blood
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