Oilààààààààààààà AAA! Two lines thrown in there and then stolen supergenialelistadiserie
Things are so like that, I a little 'afraid, I'm always cold and I did the first review of Malino, stupid me.
Prepare the second review is an effort, but I hope to do it and at least we try, although I fear that three or four hours of study are not sufficient ç_ç I just have to take a university mentality ma sono una lentona!ç_ç
HO VOGLISSIMA DI SCRIVERE. Domani o stanotte scrivo e ricomincio così trovo un equilibrio e sono felice. Dai!\O/
(Sono Nate e Brad che mi tormentano con la loro disgustosa perfezione ç_ç Stark, ti amo di nuovo e non voglio rimetterti nello scrap perchè sarebbe patetico. Lo farò)
Uh, ho aggiornato lo scrap, se a qualcuno può interessare!xD
(mi dispiace tanto per Michael C. Hall che ha il cancro e per la questione di haiti, davvero sono turbata. )
Siccome lo fanno tutti e mi sembra un'ottima idea, lo faccio me too!
** (I'm fine accepting Suggestion: stupitemi \u0026lt;3)
(Please: Suggested)
series that I'll see who knows if I find them:
& bull ; X Files, it is true, I feel like a long series and juicy. I want it. And ok, is a classic! I think the love, because of David and even the beloved Scully is a love >////////////////\u0026lt;
• ER . Which I hope see you soon! ç_ç in this vision are accompanied by
• Angel, another vision in which he takes me dear Ada, among other things, I realize that is about to end ! ç_ç that bitterness! ç_ç
• The Fugitive, because I like things vintage xD I'm downloading from torrent in about a life and do not know how to find the sub BUT 'a beautiful thing.
• Freaks & Geeks , it is seeing the Bia and it seems a love !>//////////\u0026lt; Linda Cardellini, James Franco and Jason Segel! ♥ ♥ ♥ • Jeeves & Wooster
, Hugh always say yes. Come on, is fairly tempting **
• Castle series to which they are drawn to a little 'but to which I have not yet approached. Moh xD
• Deadwood, VOGLIOTANTISSIMOVEDERLO (and I can not download it! Ç_ç please, help! Ç_ç)
• Six Feet Under, it seems a pretty serious! The gloom of things HBO once frightened me, but now I love it! Ç_ç
• Entourage, I gave a chance in this series with mental
• Fringe, because in a TV series with Kirk is not the Avacedo'm looking at? WHY '?
• The Pacific, HBO to exist thanks a lot. I love you like a mother ♥
Series which are back (surely for good reason):
• Heroes, I have not taken up by the break. I've reached my limit?
Series to review (because so much time to throw, no?)
• Battlestar Galactica , oh why, is too beautiful and its beauty I miss her to death ç_ç ;
• Band of Brothers, because they understand everything is beautiful, GK revise it was great and Bob is too beautiful and my heart.
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