Good evening to all, girls, boys, but especially yaoiste (anonymous or not)!
In this gloomy (there seems to understand almost all) of almost summer evening, we return with you to offer yet another anonimeme (as long as you do not get bored and stop to endure and support us, we will continue undaunted), a theme from you. We wondered if it was necessary to survey your private lives to discover who was under investigation or not, to seek appropriate to postpone this post, but then we said why not? Our times are so, as you know, hyper-flexible, if you need more I will give you time, as usual, and, in short, who does not like to have by un'ideuzza to write on long trips by bus / train or an hour, when you want a break from intense study?
Thus, the third collaboration between
As you have noticed, we have purposely omitted the symbol AU (alternative universe): this che chiederete e scriverete può essere ambientato nel passato, quando effettivamente i nostri johnnyni erano a scuola, oppure può essere appunto una AU ed essere ambientato dove vorrete voi, ma la scelta è vostra al momento del prompt o del fill.
Le regole sono sempre le stesse, ma ve le ripetiamo comunque:
1. ANONIMATO. Le anoni-meme sono belle proprio perché anche le scrittrici più timide possono cimentarsi in qualcosa che non avrebbero mai il coraggio di scrivere. Ma sta a voi decidere, siete libere di postare con il vostro user-name, oppure, cliccare su Altre opzioni / Other options e postare in anonimo.
2. KINK. Va benissimo, usate e chiedete those who want to kink! But keep in mind the situation and prompt you're writing fanfiction, or in this case, the theme of the meme. And, above all, tell if the Kink is heavy.
3. PATROL NO. We are not contrary to fanfictions with minors, you can write and ask how many you want, but must not exceed the rating PG-13 if the players (only one of two) should have less than 17 years.
4. NO COMPLAINTS AND WANK! We have already too many in the fandom, constructive criticism are welcome and should be just fine, but if you do not like, remember that no one forces you to read. :)
5. PAIRING: The point is that one of the two protagonists is a Johnny's. So are great pairing of Drama, Japanese music with other artists or even western, but use a little 'trial, as usual. We do not seek ORIGINAL CHARACTER (OC) as the protagonist of the story, if you want to put them in the background is welcome. And, last but you never know, remember it's a anonimeme yaoi and shounen AI. Here we talk about love between men, not inseriteci girls between the protagonists.
The form to post your request:
Pairing: (Chi / Chi) (for ease of understanding, let's remember that the order is the seed / uke)
What I want: (in this case really any thing, a kink, a phrase, an interview that you particularly liked, a song, a picture, a fantasy.)
Rating: (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17) If you
doubts about the questions on "reservations" ( mine! I write this I! ) or on the request for a very specific theme, I refer you to this post where previously we talked and we came to a conclusion that was fine - we hope - to all. The post on
PROPOSALS provided is still open, so if you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment, be taken into account in our future polls! :)
last thing:
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