nacochan @ 2010-05-24T19: 26:00
Just because the good news lately, for me, are many, here is another .
I was already in Bari at that hour, but when I knew, when I found the replacement bus station and blocked we would have back home, I just thought that on that train - whatever I was not yet come familiar with the organization - there could be people I know. Because, needless to say is not true: when you hear this news, the first thing you think are your loved ones, friends, relatives who may have been involved.
course I tried to contact those who knew that day would take the train and fortunately or remained at home, or they had taken another, or did not know anything yet. Yes, we knew immediately that in fact there were no serious injuries, but the excitement was all there.
And no, not gone yet. Why I'll take that train - take it to hundreds every day.
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