Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sample Request Letter For Water Disconnection

You can not know, but while since Chattin on MSN, and I [info] solarial talk to the others how to conquer the world administrations, fanfiction, hair removal and various nonsense in private talk about the really important things in life. really important.

[20:58:17] Naco: Lu you see me?
[20:58:53] Lucy & Mars: no you do not see
[20:58:57] Naco: Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[20:58:59] Lucy & Mars XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[20:59:05] Naco:
XD [20:59:28] Lucy & ; Mars Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[20:59:49] Naco: how!
[21:00:30] Lucy & Mars: mado for thousands of years:
[21:01:07] Naco: no, he still does not want!
[21:01:17] Lucy & Mars: why not?
[21:01:46] Naco: boh. He says it's still too early
[21:01:53] Naco, but I want to marry me so much! ç_ç
[21:01:54] Lucy & Mars u_u but if it is old
[21:02:04] Naco: baby feels inside, I know
[21:02:08] Lucy & Mars when deciding? when you say yes to the firm of funeral directors?
[21:02:27] Naco: Maybe he cheats on me with someone who works there, so we're really thinking!
[21:02:54] Lucy & Mars: I'm fituso
thing [21:03:36] Naco: I know that I follow him tomorrow to see if it really goes to work!
[21:04:05] Lucy & Mars: Bravo Bravo
[21:04:08] Lucy & Mars brought the camera
[21:04:17] Naco: yes, yes, and fully charged
[21:04:28] Lucy & Mars: so then take the tests
[21:04:44] Naco: yes, and then the woodpecker
[21:06:00] Lucy & Mars: * _ * brava
[21:06:22] Naco: Did you by chance found My 1000t hammer or something?
[21:06:39] Naco: dforse I left it at home, when we stepped on what we have tried with your boy!
[21:06:43] Lucy & Mars: should I have it in the attic
[21:07:04] Naco: ok, if I find something I will fetch
[21:07:14] Naco: please, if you need to compliment you on
[21:08:53] Lucy & Mars : uu
obvious [21:09:13] Naco: Well, you and they say instead? her husband? The children?
[21:09:24] Lucy & Mars all dead
jaja [21:09:41] Naco: Azz, I'm sorry!
[21:09:46] Naco: Why this tragedy?
[21:10:27] Lucy & Mars, why because I was bored, I decided to paint the house red, and which color is better than blood?
[21:10:37] Naco: Right.
[21:10:49] Naco: I must go and see you soon, so come show me how!
[21:11:23] Lucy & Mars: Shii
* __ * [21:12:16] Naco: when you want. After getting fired from my third job because the boss was a maniac who Shagged all, I have not found anything so I have a lot of free time
[21:19:53] Lucy & Mars: Cool: O
[21:19. 59] Lucy & Mars are again unemployed
* _ * [21:21:43] Naco: Yeah. If I find something about my man, I give myself to the private investigation, I think
[21:21:54] Naco: want to join? Shootings, car chases ...
[21:22:12] Lucy & Mars * _ * obvious blood, I love the blood
[21:22:23] Lucy & Mars with that maybe your husband can paint the garage
jaja [21:23:13] Naco: Ok. You also have a house?
[21:24:30] Lucy & Mars: *.*
obvious [21:24:49] Naco, well, then you'll have to bleach it, I know!
[21:25:07] Lucy & Mars *_______________* blood blood blood

Thursday, January 28, 2010

What Does A Vergin Verginaslook Like

I hate technology.

Someone said to me if it is just to clear lj pm to put us three years, or if you happen to others? At least I found out that FB is a normal thing that you do not save the message, do not you send, or that makes you stoned to have it delivered.
But here? Good thing in a while 'HD exchange and the operating system!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Headache Parotid Gland

Want to contribute?

Just to show you that I'm still alive, I point out a very interesting video posted by Simone Aliprandi
: This is the Italian version, which he edited and produced by the city of Modena, the popular movie "Want to work together?" Dedicated to Creative Commons project.
Since many of the people who hang out on this blog know very well (while others think they know) what are the CC licenses, I decided to link it too. It 'really easy, clear and comprehensive.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Do You Have To Cite Microsoft Images

According to Revelation Post

anonymous writers! (Or Welcome back, never say never ...)

You thought we had forgotten Revelation of the Post, right? XD But no, we just waited for the return of one of us girls and now we went back again at your service!


For those who frequent visitor to various ano-meme, there's no need for explanations ...

For everyone else, let us explain what this Revelation Post.
As previously announced, the time of writing is finished ... now it's time to reveal! Have you wondered for days (months?) who it was that wonderful fic with that pairing wonderful and so beautifully written? Now you'll see it ^ ^ It 's also a way to make new friends via livejournal ... (At the bottom are four cats, we force us to each other! XD)

It 'important to reveal the authors, who made the requests are not required to prove
(but if you would like to thank "the person" is welcome! \u0026lt;3) This means that you must answer with anonymous comments on this post. ^ ^

When you decide that it's time to reveal to the world (and I hope this happens soon as possible), comments on this post following this pattern:

Date of writing :

E ' your time, writers! Take courage in both hands and revealed! \u0026lt;3

And, as usual, do not worry! Italygaylicious not close its doors forever, thanks you for your participation and would like an appointment at the next Italian ano-meme ^ ^
To not miss future projects, we strongly recommend livejournal to receive this track alerts you of any updates! ^ ^

Monday, January 18, 2010

Alice In Wonderland Monologue Alice

Meme rubatissimo a bit 'around ... Still

... and to steal [info] nykyo which in turn stole it from someone else as usually happens here in these shores.

I do not write for a lifetime, although my mind will continue to do so (and I would have stories to tell if only the mind and fingertips could agree!), So then, maybe (and just maybe) this meme may be able to get things without stressing too much since I read two people two!

So I decided to put it not without some heartache of mind as to explain the background of my stories is sometimes crazy, but so ...
Orsù, suvvia... (E copio bellamente e senza vergogna il testo pari pari a Ny commettendo PLAGIOOOOOOOO! perché non mi va di tradurre a modo mio. Ecco u_u Tanto di Ny mi fido ciecamente!)

Pick something I've written and comment to this post with that selection. I will then give you a DVD commentary on your choice: what I was thinking when I wrote it, why I wrote it in the first place, what's going on in the character's heads, why I chose certain words, what this moment means in the context of the rest of the fic (fic series, fic universe), lots of awful puns, and anything else that you'd expect to find on a DVD commentary track.

In italiano, suppergiù: Scegli una fic tra quelle I've written so far and comunicamelo in a comment. I will post mileage on the object of your choice: what was I thinking when I wrote it because I wrote it in the first place, what little heads bobbing in the characters, because I chose that word and not another ... etc.. etc..

Be good!


PS My avatar I love it! Quesll'uomo struck me. It 's wonderful! Here, I had to say.
Ps 2 I have yet to make my choice Ny, mica, I forgot.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Does Lala Wear Hair Weave

The colour quits and all invade us.

Oilààààààààààààà AAA! Two lines thrown in there and then stolen supergenialelistadiserie [info] danssslemetro & [info] sanzina89 *-*
Things are so like that, I a little 'afraid, I'm always cold and I did the first review of Malino, stupid me.
Prepare the second review is an effort, but I hope to do it and at least we try, although I fear that three or four hours of study are not sufficient ç_ç I just have to take a university mentality ma sono una lentona!ç_ç
HO VOGLISSIMA DI SCRIVERE. Domani o stanotte scrivo e ricomincio così trovo un equilibrio e sono felice. Dai!\O/
(Sono Nate e Brad che mi tormentano con la loro disgustosa perfezione ç_ç Stark, ti amo di nuovo e non voglio rimetterti nello scrap perchè sarebbe patetico. Lo farò)
Uh, ho aggiornato lo scrap, se a qualcuno può interessare!xD
(mi dispiace tanto per Michael C. Hall che ha il cancro e per la questione di haiti, davvero sono turbata. )

Siccome lo fanno tutti e mi sembra un'ottima idea, lo faccio me too!
** (I'm fine accepting Suggestion: stupitemi \u0026lt;3)
(Please: Suggested)

series that I'll see who knows if I find them:
& bull ; X Files, it is true, I feel like a long series and juicy. I want it. And ok, is a classic! I think the love, because of David and even the beloved Scully is a love >////////////////\u0026lt;
• ER . Which I hope see you soon! ç_ç in this vision are accompanied by [info] brit_clo & [info] eide_oconrad but we are still quite a while! certainly will not proceed until we test! ç_ç Noah, I miss you so much; _;
• Angel, another vision in which he takes me dear Ada, among other things, I realize that is about to end ! ç_ç that bitterness! ç_ç
• The Fugitive, because I like things vintage xD I'm downloading from torrent in about a life and do not know how to find the sub BUT 'a beautiful thing.
• Freaks & Geeks , it is seeing the Bia and it seems a love !>//////////\u0026lt; Linda Cardellini, James Franco and Jason Segel! ♥ ♥ ♥ • Jeeves & Wooster
, Hugh always say yes. Come on, is fairly tempting **
Castle series to which they are drawn to a little 'but to which I have not yet approached. Moh xD
Deadwood, VOGLIOTANTISSIMOVEDERLO (and I can not download it! Ç_ç please, help! Ç_ç)
Six Feet Under, it seems a pretty serious! The gloom of things HBO once frightened me, but now I love it! Ç_ç
Entourage, I gave a chance in this series with mental [info] wutheringspark , and I'm dreaming about! I believe that sooner or later I'll see! **
Fringe, because in a TV series with Kirk is not the Avacedo'm looking at? WHY '?
• The Big Bang Theory , sooner or later I will see. I know.
The Pacific, HBO to exist thanks a lot. I love you like a mother ♥

Series which are back (surely for good reason):
Heroes, I have not taken up by the break. I've reached my limit?
Dollhouse , three episodes back: WHY ' TAHMOH HAVE SENT IN A COMA? WHY '?

Series to review (because so much time to throw, no?)

• Battlestar Galactica , oh why, is too beautiful and its beauty I miss her to death ç_ç ;
• Band of Brothers, because they understand everything is beautiful, GK revise it was great and Bob is too beautiful and my heart.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Makeup Artist Cover Letter

Response to meme: Mel and Sol

As required by
[info] solarial and [info] melantomon in the previous post :

Summer Nights for [info] melantomon . A voice, a dream, a shadow moves away. Sabrina Dawn is a special moment between dream and reality. And maybe a sunrise like this will bring it to discover what is happiness?
here I say here and deny it: Summer nights
was born when I decided that it was time to forget my first love (which never happened
anything, I always considered just a classmate, but they died behind for four years - yes, I'm at a difficult ' falling in love, but also to forget! - But Do not bring up these things, which is better). It took me almost a year to write it all, but the result, then, I liked it. And considering my age then, I still really like looking back. The truth is that I the idea of two guys who meet in a dream first and then in reality I had for some time. We also wrote a thing - short and ugly, between parentheses - but it made me sick after two nanoseconds: banal characters, without changes, and nothing in practice, there were only two of them and nothing else. I think it was another trip to give me the right idea. I thought about it a lot, the environment, but because it was summer, I came up with the idea that a setting summer was not bad. A friend of mine in junior high, I always spoke of his group and I was a bit 'jealous because I've never had anything like that. The creation of the character of Alexander was the most complex, but one that gave the history and I'm most proud. In fact, the base was Akito of Kodomo no
Omoccha (Ross)
, (at that time were broadcasting) and for
characterization, either by description, but the moment I saw the character I really wanted to create, I was in Latin - another trip, yes - and I stopped a moment to look for the postcards. And here, near a window, I saw him. He was a boy the same as what I wanted to create, and had the same sad expression, as if the world had inflicted on him for everything. Exactly what I wanted for my character. I went home, I began to write, and I stopped after six months. The name simply because I chose instead the I love it: Alexander the Great, Alessandro Manzoni ... And I love the sound of liquid dental and neighbors! * _ * Sabrina instead is a character I created it based on myself, she was in love with Michael (as the name for Michael? Why this name I found it perfect for the friend that I liked! XD) years but it is only with the arrival of Alexander, which matures and grows, moving away from his friends. In fact, I've never been so tied to my friends, but one thing is true: as Sabrina, I also felt the need of someone she cared about me, beside me, which I consider very important. I had a desperate need of confidence in myself, that I always missed, then as now, though now for different reasons. For the record: I took the name from the calendar, and is the first I've found decent, after a series that have rejected for various reasons. Michael is exactly like my friend. Fortunately has not experienced anything like that. Why do I have passed everything and more? I do not know. Perhaps because, to be so close, had to have something really powerful that held them together.
Valeria is a character that I used in my evil, with good potential to be a bitch that was better than that. I hope to create some nice character, also basing on her. The name came spontaneously, perhaps because I did not like. XD The description also. XD
Valentina was born like that for a number of reasons: in fact, his relationship with Sabrina I did in honor of the friendship that bound me to my best friend of averages, which I then lost sight of. The name I gave it because I like it, but also because it is the middle name of my friend: do you mind helping a guy named Mark, and for this reason that the character of which is love has this name. In addition, at the time bought me Kiss

and there was a history of some Adelaide, whose friend just called Valentina. Because the character I liked, for the physical description I used her. The fact that she and Mark are friends of my childhood comes from a preference for that type of report (topical, ok, but what can I do if I like?), For the record, I have a childhood friend who does not I like it, so no, it is not something autobiographical.
The bonfire on the guitar is due to the fact that the real Michael and Marco gladdened our trips and strikes with their guitar, which I loved, and then I could not put! XD The feast, the two lovers locked in, but ... well, are things that I would really, to my friends. XD The carillon, ok, is a quotation and not so veiled: I got it from
Marmalade boy, although it has different meaning in the end. Why I liked it and because I love those things! XD
Paola and Andrea are two names on which was fixed at the time. XD and yes, I have always been a couple! * _ * For the record, then the story had other implications on the real plane than I am to say, but I can assure you that after that story I realized that I was not so disgusting and that perhaps someone was interested really something for me. And no, I had no boyfriend. XD Then, boh. There's probably more, but it's been years since I remember. XD

Heart of Fire and Ice for [info] solarial Fire. Here's what the girl reminded him. red as his hair; violent when purchased intensity, but also sweet and enveloping. Warm. And bright. Like the sun.
Yes, Hino-san was the sun, as he was the moon.

first attempt in this fandom that I do not understand why, I love it. Yes, the story is not that spectacular, she is the classic that everyone loves, but, amen, I love the designs and classical music has conquered me.
The truth is that the only character that I always liked was Tsukimori. I like people like him, closed and introspective. * _ * They give a lot of ideas! * _ *
The idea itself came to me just by two-two-things: first, the hair of two men: her red, like fire, his blue, like ice. At that moment, I realized that their characters were in keeping with this comparison. On a website dedicated anime, then I read the meaning of words contained in their names: Tsuki -> moon and hi -> fire. Like the color of her hair.
In short, these two are classic opposites attract! * _ *
The other thing I noticed the trigger when I saw Len talk to her: they were too hard, everything looked like, except that parents and children. Oh, but how they lived in that house if they were all like that? I wondered. Here is perhaps where depended on his behavior ....
I would say that the duet under the moonlight, did the rest! XDDD

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pctv 150e 55e Drive For Windows 7

response to the meme meme

As required by
[info] mars25oct in the previous post :

One day, by chance A meeting, completely random. And the wheel of fate began to turn inexorably. The necessary introduction I think that says everything about the reasons why in my mind I have created such a buggy story:

Hello. What you are about to read is a fanfiction. Not in the sense that there are characters created by others (otherwise it would not be in this section, no?), But a great story that makes no claim to dream but to me and those like me, like the rising sun and dream of meeting your actor / singer with the almond eyes preferred. Yes, because I realized, of Notting Hill

and the like, there are many, but few think of us as we taste a bit 'more details. It is from this assumption that this story was born. Probably will not have original ideas and who knows what it certainly does not want to be a work with such high claims, my only wish is that this story might amuse you, the readers, as he amused me, while I was writing. If you saw the movie from which I took the title, do not worry: with this work, has nothing to do absolutely nothing, and indeed I have not even seen! XD So if you find a few references are purely coincidental and unintentional. The reason I chose it, but I can not tell you: read and understand. ^ ^ Ah, one last thing before I stop to shoot: the places here, the subjects taught here

really exist, but not the characters that have nothing to do absolutely nothing with the real ones. So do not blame me if I found someone who really know, ok? XD
not remember exactly where I was going that day. I was definitely on a bus, one of those organized tours in which we participate often, though I do not remember the goal. I was looking out my window and I was asking a thousand questions about my future, knowing that graduated, I had to go to Rome for the specialist. And I thought of how many Japanese there are there, than I could have caught by accident. I remembered that Fuyumi Soryo to write

Caesar, has done more than a trip to Florence and I wondered if someday I could meet someone famous I also Japanese, maybe I was too fan.
And then it occurred to me that if in fact it was impossible, on paper no. So why not? Rome, then. Certainly a more appropriate place, maybe some actor while he was filming a dorama that we set here (you know how much the Japanese love our country ...); maybe between the two sets in a relationship just because they live such a situation . Maybe he should play as a child who loves his father and he hates it but for some reason, but maybe she wants to break into the world of theater and can not do it and he helps ... Of course, my greatest fear was to create a Japanese who was just that. Besides, I know them only by the Japanese manga and anime, so I could not say much. Thus was born the idea of a italogiapponese: having mixed characteristics would be easier to manage (well, if he had something of Italian was not an injury), it was also useful for creating the famous problem with the parent, he / she was Italian, maybe the 'had left and he was slightly pissed off right now, maybe that parent taught Japanese at one in Rome, so I also found the right reason to send it to Japan, marrying and having children. This also solves the problem of language: they all spoke Italian, so we would all be happier.
that day in that bus, I wrote up a meeting with Marcello on the steps: I came out spontaneously, without even realizing it. Then they passed
months of total emptiness.
Then one day, I was returning from Florence, Lucca comics of the period of 2008 and Ste Gra were talking to each other, I, instead, I love trains, I imagined that Mara took the subway or city bus, but for a series of coincidences did not come idove wanted, because something happened: as I've really had the train stopped for various reasons (damage, a person over sottoil train ...), it was easy to find a reason, Maki also because those days had said that in Rome for the concert of TH was all locked. And I wrote the part of the train; few lines, in fact, but I unlock it. All
in Rome.
However, given that I was no longer playing, a story set in a city that I knew but not so good, it would have been a suicide, then we might as well move the entire course in Bari, in Bari, a Japanese actor who is not is shooting a film, then, perhaps, was here for other reasons. The fact that an actor was not really that good: too famous, I said to myself, and I prefer something quieter, maybe a voice actor, usually no calculation at all (except me and a few sick XD). Since then I also know his face, and voice actors is not always easy to find, or at least not everyone is always interested in it, I made also a singer, after all, know that voice actors are also singers (like Toshihiko Seki)
The first thing I did, then, was to decide on the past Hiroshi: without that, the story could not continue.
I've shot a lot of ideas, possibly plausible, then, turning to Blog Italian transplanted to Japan, I got the idea now, for the new husband of his wife, I used the old idea of the prof - maybe Language and because we have university courses in Japanese are not, and because I remembered a professor of English that is my sister went to teach in Japan). From there, everything was easier, because the university is like a house for me.
The idea that she wanted to become a writer was born by chance, because it's my dream, after all, I am Mara, in some ways. He journalism because I love writing, even if I hate journalism. The fact that you then know the depth of children's literature, however, was born from the fact that a friend of mine did his thesis with him and he told me, "writes children's books with stories. If you like, I can use your story for the thesis? Maybe then you publish it. " Obviously, then nothing happened like that, but the idea remained. Ilaria
is the character who was born less than thought, I must say, actually has little to do, you, and a little 'I'm sorry. Maybe someday I'll create something just for her, who knows.
Henry and Luke are probably the best characters ever created.
Henry had to be a friend a bit 'odd, eccentric and peculiar. Then one day, I was seeing
love, just the episode where we discover that the former husband of the protagonist is gay. "Gay. Why not? "I wondered. Henry did not any problem but I asked a condition: I want a companion. Luca
I went natural was the best friend of Mara and the boy falls in love with Henry, I am for the theory that opposites attract, while similar in friendship is easier to be here that he is ; fomrato so. Let's just say that is the best friend I'd like to have. Ilaria is so tied to Henry for exactly the same reasoning. Mr. Marcello also was born by chance. When I went to Rome with Ale, was in the apartment building where we had a location for a goalkeeper. In the same building, on the morning of our arrival, we saw a girl fall in the apartment next to ours. I do not know why, but I convinced him to live alone. I think that the friendship between the two is born from these two overlapping memories.
Then, well, the rest is story. I leave great freedom to the characters, and they act for themselves. The title comes from this: the case has led everyone, I wrote them and me. I have not planned that I would help her stepfather Hiroshi Mara without realizing it, I have not planned the quarrel between Henry and Luke, the illness of Mrs. Lucy ... It all started when I was writing as if the fate of them all was shown to me while living.
Those days I did nothing but write what saw that my head, like a seer that slowly appears before the fate of people who go to her. My head has combined experience views, feelings, dreams and created all this.
points are true: there is a bar Catullus (though there is no relative of Ilaria), the Chinese restaurant (though the lady is called in another way), there is a cinema where they see the film Pallos (idea born there, at a time when I thought the Italian movies as a big ball) and the butchery of Giovinazzo, there is no shop at the beginning of the story, or rather I have not identified anyone in particular.
names if they are chosen the characters, except Hiroshi. Because this is a name I love, and is also the name of Hiroshi Tamaki, actor and singer of which, in those days, I listened to a lot of the songs. As known, his name is not accidental Shin'ichi Matsumoto: Shin'ichi is a name that I love (besides being also that of Kudo in Detective Conan

- in dorama starring my beloved Shun Oguri and Chiaki's Nodame Cantabile
in dorama played by Tamaki own!), and Masumoto is the name of Jun, actor and singer deigli Arashi, Matsuda, the true name is a tribute to actor Matsuda Shota (Hana Yori Dango , Liar Game ). To date, I believe that there are some things to change in history, if ever a day I will really send a publishing house, even though nothing fundamental. I loved them all so unspeakable, I suffered, I rejoiced with all ... When I put the word end, it seemed to say goodbye to friends who always had a lot. Perhaps the final I had not thought of writing, but then it is created by itself, is a gift of the protagonists themselves to me. Because the hope that something can happen to a simple person, like me, like you, never sets. Well, Gra, I hope I was clear. XD

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Drivers Vc-211a Para Windows Vista!

As of tomorrow maybe I will again have a little 'free time will be less tense and philosophically and emotionally (and I say it because if God hates me maybe I'll have to postpone or even worse Boccieri (ç_ç)) SBEM! the first of the year meme \u0026lt;3
'simple and lovely and I stole the [info] danssslemetro ! Thank you, dear!

♥ Give me a fandom, and I'll tell ...

- my holy lovey-dovey: the couple I just can not break even ounces for fun.
- my fandom whore: I can pair with the character with great satisfaction
Almost everyone - my fandom nun: the character I do not manage to match with anyone no matter how hard I try

P! S: Changed the default icon beautiful! Thank [info] shizu9 coccolina !>////////////////\u0026lt;

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Cancer Surviver Tattoos

written so I do not think there is nothing to say ....

... think as everyone wants. The I made my choice.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How Does Texas Vehicle Registration Look

2010 Scrapbook!

Here we are are one of the my favorite annual events! \u0026lt;3

2010 Television Episodes
2009 • Scrapbook


•Criminal Minds ; ♥

♥ ♥ ♥


♥ ♥ •Dollhouse ; ♥

•Eliza Dushku ; ♥ •Generation Kill ; ♥
♥ •Gossip Girl ; ♥ ♥ ♥ •How I met your Mother ; ♥ •Keira Knightley ; ♥ •Lost ; ♥ ♥
•Olivia Wilde ; ♥ •Oz ; ♥ ♥ ♥ •Skins ; ♥ ♥ •Supernatural ; ♥ ♥
♥ ♥
♥ ♥
♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥
♥ •Tahmoh Penickett ; ♥
•the Killers ; ♥
♥ ♥ ♥
•Watchmen ; ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 006. Reservoir Dogs; 007. 500 Days of Summer; 008. Cabaret;

009. As you no one ever; 010. A Single Man,
011. The Broken Hearts Club; 012. The Accidental Husband; FEBRUARY 013. Up in the Air;

MARCH 014. Dahmer;

015. Shutter Island ;
016. S.W.A.T. ;
017. The Outsiders ;
018. Valentine's Day ;
A P R I L 019. Less then Zero ;
020. Drugstore Cowboy ;
021. I love you Philip Morris ;
022. Romanzo Criminale ;
023. Party Monster ;

B O O K S 001. Le nozze di Cadmo e Armonia, Roberto Calasso 002.
003. Currently Reading:


Series • Band of Brothers • the Vlog Brothers • Generation Kill • Deadwood • Being Human
• Battlestar Galactica • Jeremy Renner • Friday Night Lights
Brothers , Eugene Roe (Shane Taylor) // Band of Brothers , Ronald Speirs (Matthew Settle) // Band of Brothers
, Al Swearengen (Ian McShane) // Deadwood , Seth Bullock (Timothy Olyphant) // Deadwood , Jeremy Renner
, Matt Dillon , Diane Kruger // Inglorious Bastards , August Diehl

, Daniel Bruhl
, Daniel Desario James Franco , Julian Wells (Robert Downey Jr.) // Less Than Zero
, Jim Caviezel
• Richard D. "Dick" Winters and Lewis Nixon (Band of Brothers) • Joseph "Joe" Dear God / David Kenyon Webster (Band of Brothers) • Ronald Speirs / Clifford Carwood Lip "Lipton ( Band of Brothers) • George Luz / Clifford Carwood Lip "Lipton (Band of Brothers) • Andy Samberg / Akiva Schaffer Jorma Taccone (the Lonely Iceland) • Alexis Denisof / Alyson Hannigan (RPF)
• John Mitchell / George Sands (Being Human) • John Mitchell / Annie / George Sans (Being Human) • George Sands/Nina (Being Human) • Diane Kruger/ Joshua Jackson (RPF) • Tommy Donnelly/ Jimmy Donnelly (the Black Donnellys) • Tommy Donnelly/ Nicky Cottero (the Black Donnellys)
• Sean Donnelly/ Jimmy Donnelly (the Black Donnellys) • Sean Donnelly/ Kevin Donnelly (the Black Donnellys) • Jenny Reilly/ Jimmy Donnelly (the Black Donnellys) • Vincent/ Nicky Cottero (the Black Donnellys) • Colin Farrell/Jeremy Renner (RPF) • Pony Boy/Johnny (the Outsiders)
• Seth Bullock/Wild Bill Hickok (Deadwood)
• Seth Bullock/Sol Star (Deadwood)
• Seth Bullock/Alma Garret Ellsworth (Deadwood)
• Trixie/Sol Star (Deadwood) • Trixie/Alma Garret Ellsworth (Deadwood) • Trixie/Al Swearengen (Deadwood) • Dan Dority/Al Swearengen (Deadwood) • Silas Adams/Al Swearengen (Deadwood) • Silas Adams/Johnny Burns/Dan Dority (Deadwood) • Joanie Stubbs/Jane Canary (Deadwood)
• Wild Bill Hickok/Jane Canary/Charlie Utter (Deadwood)
• Daniel Greyston/Joseph Adama (Caprica)
• Daniel Desario/Nick Andopolis/Ken Miller (Freaks&Geeks)
• Eugene B. Sledge/PFC Sidney Phillips (The Pacific)
• Eugene B. Sledge/Merriell 'Snafu' Shelton (The Pacific) ©

Epic Hotch Picspam of Epic
© sidewalk_doctor • Fragments - BoB FanMix © matricons

to fill it this time too! ç_ç In sum, this is where I keep all the things I see on TV. Possibly * = rewatch.
2010 Scrapbook 2009 Scrapbook

the Cradle of Civilisation* 007) Generation Kill, 1.03
, Screwby*

008) the Black Donnellys, 1.03
, God is a Comedian

009) Generation KIll, 1.04,
Combat Jack
010) Generation Kill, 1.05,
A Burning Dog
011) Generation Kill, 1.06, Stay Frosty * 012) Generation Kill, 1.07, The Bomb in the Garden * 013) In Treatment, 2.21,
Mia: Week Five
014) In Treatment, 2.22, April: Week Five
015) In Treatment, 2.23,
Oliver: Week Five
016) In Treatment, 2.24, Walter: Week Five
017) In Treatment, 2.25,
Gina: Week Five
018) In Treatment, 2.26, Mia: Week Six
019) In Treatment, 2.27,
April: Week Six
020) In Treatment, 2.28, Oliver: Week Six
021) In Treatment, 2.29,
Walter: Week Six
022) In Treatment, 2.30, Gina: Week Six
023) In Treatment, 2.31, Mia: Week Seven
024) In Treatment, 2.32, April: Week Seven
025) In Treatment, 2.33,
Oliver: Week Seven

026) In Treatment, 2.34, Walter: Week Seven 027) How I met your mother, 5.12, Girls vs Suits 028) House, 6.10,
The Down Low

029) In Treatment, 2.35,
Gina: Week Seven

030) Being Human, 1.05,
Episode Five

031) Being Human, 1.06,
Episode Six

032) the Black Donnellys, 1.04,
The World Will Break Your Heart

033) Angel, 4.04,
Slouching towards Bethlehem

034) Angel, 4.05,

035) Angel, 4.06,
Spin the Bottle

036) Angel, 4.07,
Rain of fire (Apocalypse, nowish)

037) Criminal Minds, 5.12,
The Uncanny Valley

038) the Black Donnellys, 1.05,

039) the Black Donnellys, 1.06,
Run like hell

040) Grey's Anatomy, 6.11,
Blink 041) the Black Donnellys, 1.07, The only thing sure 042) the Black Donnellys, 1.08, In Each one a Saviour
043) the Black Donnellys, 1.09, All of us are in the Gutter
044) the Black Donnellys, 1.10,
When the door open
045) the Black Donnellys, 1.11,
Wasn't that enough?
046) the Black Donnellys, 1.12, The black drop 047) the Black Donnellys, 1.13, Easy is the way
048) X Files, 1.02, Deep Throat
049) X Files, 1.03,
050) X Files, 1.04, Conduit 051) Being Human, 2.02, Episode Two
052) X Files, 1.05, the Jersey Devil 053) Freaks&Geeks, 1.01, Pilot
054) Freaks&Geeks, 1.02, Beers&Weirs 055) Deadwood, 1.01,
Pilot-Deadwood 056) Deadwood, 1.02, Deep Water
057) Criminal Minds, 5.13,
Risky Business 058) X files, 1.06, Shadows 059) Angel, 4.09, Long Day's Journey
060) Angel, 4.10, Awakening
061) Angel, 4.11, Souless
062) Angel, 4.12, Calvary
063) Angel, 4.13, Salvage

064) Angel, 4.14, Release
065) Angel, 4.15,
066) Angel, 4.16, Players
067) Angel, 4.17, Inside out

069) X files, 1.07, Ghost in the Machine 070) X files, 1.08, Ice 071) X files, 1.09,
Space 072) X files, 1.10,
Fallen Angel 073) Deadwood, 1.03,
Reconnoitering the Rim 074) Deadwood, 1.04,
Here Was a Man 075) Deadwood, 1.05,
The Trial of Jack McCall 076) Supernatural, 5.10,
Abandon All Hope
077) Supernatural, 5.11,
Sam, Interrupted
078) Grey's Anatomy, 6.12,
I Like You So Much Better When You're Naked 079) Caprica, 1.01,
Pilot 080) Dollhouse, 2.09,
Stop-Loss 081) Dollhouse, 2.10,
the Attic 082) Dollhouse, 2.11,
Getting Closer 083) The Mentalist, 1.05,
Redwood 084) The Mentalist, 1.06,
Red Handed 085) The Mentalist, 1.07,
Seeing Red 086) E.R., 1.21,
House of Cards 087) E.R., 1.22,
Men Plan, God Laughs 088) E.R., 1.23,
Love Among the Ruins 089) House, 6.12,
Remorse 090) Deadwood, 1.06,
Plague 091) Deadwood, 1.07,
Bullock Returns to the Camp 092) Being Human, 2.03,
Episode Three 093) Skins, 4.01,
Thomas 094) Supernatural, 5.12,
Swap Meat 095) E.R., 1.24,
Motherhood 096) Angel, 4.18,
Shiny Happy People 097) Dollhouse, 2.12,
The Hollow Man 098) Dollhouse, 2.13,
Epitaph Two
Jewel's Boot Is Made for Walking 108) Deadwood, 1.12,
Sold Under Sin 109) Deadwood, 2.01,
A Lie Agreed Upon: Part 1 110) Deadwood, 2.02,
A Lie Agreed Upon: Part 2 111) Supernatural, 5.13,
The Song Remains the Same 112) Skins, 4.02,
Emily 113) Grey's Anatomy, 6.13,
State of Love and Trust 114) Caprica, 1.02,
Rebirth 115) the Big Bang Theory, 1.01,
Pilot 116) the Big Bang Theory, 1.02,
The Big Bran Hypothesis 117) the Big Bang Theory, 1.03,
The Fuzzy Boots Corollary 118) the Big Bang Theory, 1.04,
The Luminous Fish Effect 119) the Big Bang Theory, 1.05,
The Hamburger Postulate 120) the Big Bang Theory, 1.06,
The Middle-Earth Paradigm 121) the Big Bang Theory, 1.07,
The Dumpling Paradox 122) the Big Bang Theory, 1.08,
The Grasshopper Experiment 123) the Big Bang Theory, 1.09,
The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization 124) the Big Bang Theory, 1.10,
The Loobenfeld Decay 125) the Big Bang Theory, 1.11,
The Pancake Batter Anomaly 126) the Big Bang Theory, 1.12,
The Jerusalem Duality 127) the Big Bang Theory, 1.13,
The Bat Jar Conjecture 128) the Big Bang Theory, 1.14,
The Nerdvana Annihilation 129) the Big Bang Theory, 1.15,
The Shiksa Indeterminacy 130) the Big Bang Theory, 1.16,
The Peanut Reaction 131) the Big Bang Theory, 1.17,
The Tangerine Factor 132) the Big Bang Theory, 2.01,
The The Bad Fish Paradigm 133) the Big Bang Theory, 2.02,
The Codpiece Topology 134) the Big Bang Theory, 2.03,
The Barbarian Sublimation 135) the Big Bang Theory, 2.04,
The Griffin Equivalency 136) the Big Bang Theory, 2.05,
The Euclid Alternative 137) the Big Bang Theory, 2.06,
The Cooper-Nowitzki Theorem 138) the Big Bang Theory, 2.07,
The Panty Pinata Polarization 139) the Big Bang Theory, 2.08,
The Lizard-Spock Expansion 140) the Big Bang Theory, 2.09,
The White Asparagus Triangulation 141) the Big Bang Theory, 2.10,
The Vartabedian Conundrum 142) the Big Bang Theory, 2.11,
The Bath Item Gift Hypothesis 143) the Big Bang Theory, 2.12,
The Killer Robot Instability 144) the Big Bang Theory, 2.13,
The Friendship Algorithm 145) Being Human, 2.05,
Episode Five 146) How I met your Mother, 5.15,
Rabbit or Duck 147) House, 6.14,
5 to 9 148) Lost, 6.03,
What Katie Does 149) Deadwood, 2.03,
New Money 150) Deadwood, 2.04,
Requiem for a Gleet 151) Deadwood, 2.05,
Complications 152) Deadwood, 2.06,
Something Very Expensive 153) the Big Bang Theory, 2.14,
The Financial Permeability 154) the Big Bang Theory, 2.15,
The Maternal Capacitance 155) the Big Bang Theory, 2.16,
The Cushion Saturation 156) the Big Bang Theory, 2.17,
The Terminator Decoupling 157) the Big Bang Theory, 2.18,
The Work Song Nanocluster 158) the Big Bang Theory, 2.19,
The Dead Hooker Juxtaposition 159) the Big Bang Theory, 2.20,
The Hofstadter Isotope 160) the Big Bang Theory, 2.21,
The Vegas Renormalization 161) the Big Bang Theory, 2.22,
The Classified Materials Turbulence 162) the Big Bang Theory, 2.23,
The Monopolar Expedition 163) the Big Bang Theory, 3.01,
The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation 164) the Big Bang Theory, 3.02,
The Jiminy Conjecture 165) Being Human, 2.06,
Episode Six 166) Supernatural, 5.14,
My Bloody Valentine 167) Grey's Anatomy, 6.14,
Valentine's Day Massacre 168) Deadwood, 2.07,
E.B. Was Left Out 169) Deadwood, 2.08,
Childish Things 170) Deadwood, 2.09,
Amalgamation and Capital 171) Deadwood, 2.10,
Advances, None Miraculous 172) X files, 1.11,
Eve 173) X files, 1.12,
Fire 174) X files, 1.13,
Beyond the Sea 175) X files, 1.14,
176) X files, 1.15, Lazarus 177) Criminal Minds, 5.15, Public Enemy
178) Skins, 4.03, Cook
179) Misfits, 1.01, Episode One
180) Misfits, 1.02, Episode Two
181) Misfits, 1.03, Episode Three
182) Misfits, 1.04, Episode Four
183) Misfits, 1.05, Episode Five
184) Misfits, 1.06, Episode Six
185) Grey's Anatomy, 6.15, Time Warp
186) the Big Bang Theory, 3.03, The Gothowitz Deviation
187) the Big Bang Theory, 3.04, The Pirate Solution
188) the Big Bang Theory, 3.05, The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary
189) the Big Bang Theory, 3.06, The Cornhusker Vortex
190) the Big Bang Theory, 3.07, The Guitarist Amplification
191) the Big Bang Theory, 3.08, The Adhesive Duck Deficiency
192) the Big Bang Theory, 3.09, The Vengeance Formulation
193) the Big Bang Theory, 3.10, The Gorilla Experiment
194) the Big Bang Theory, 3.11, The Maternal Congruence
195) the Big Bang Theory, 3.12, The Psychic Vortex
196) the Big Bang Theory, 3.13, The Bozeman Reaction
197) the Big Bang Theory, 3.14, The Einstein Approximation
198) the Big Bang Theory, 3.15, The Large Hadron Collision
199) the Big Bang Theory, 3.16, The Excelsior Acquisition
200) Battlestar Galactica, 1.01, 33
201) Battlestar Galactica, 1.02, Water
202) Battlestar Galactica, 1.03, Bastille Day
203) Battlestar Galactica, 1.04, Act of Contrition
204) Battlestar Galactica, 1.05, You Can't Go Home Again
205) Battlestar Galactica, 1.06, Litmus
206) Battlestar Galactica, 1.07, Six Degrees of Separation
207) Battlestar Galactica, 1.08, Flesh and Bone
208) Battlestar Galactica, 1.09, Tigh Me Up, Tigh Me Down
209) Battlestar Galactica, 1.10, The Hand of God
210) Battlestar Galactica, 1.11, Colonial Day
211) Battlestar Galactica, 1.12, Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part I
212) Battlestar Galactica, 1.13, Kobol's Last Gleaming: Part II
213) Battlestar Galactica, 2.01, Scattered
214) Battlestar Galactica, 2.02, Valley of Darkness
215) Deadwood, 2.11, The Whores Can Come
216) Deadwood, 2.12, Boy-the-Earth-Talks-To
217) Caprica, 1.03, Reins of a Waterfall
218) Caprica, 1.04, Gravedancing
219) Caprica, 1.05, There Is Another Sky
220) Skins, 4.04, Katie
221) Skins, 4.05, Freddie
222) Lost, 6.03, The Substitute
223) Lost, 6.04, Lighthouse
224) Angel, 4.19, The magic bullet
225) Angel, 4.20, Sacrifice
226) Angel, 4.21, Peace out
226) Angel, 4.22, Home
227) Angel, 5.01, Conviction
228) Angel, 5.02, Just rewards
229) Angel, 5.03, Unleashed
230) Angel, 5.04, Hell bound
231) E.R., 1.25, Everything Old Is New Again
232) E.R., 2.01, Welcome Back, Carter!
233) E.R., 2.02, Summer Run
234) Freaks&Geeks, 1.03, Tricks & Treats

Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco 238) Angel, 5.07,
Lineage 239) Angel, 5.08,
Destiny 240) Angel, 5.09,
Harm's Way 241) Angel, 5.10,
Soul Purpose 242) Battlestar Galactica, 2.03,
Fragged 243) Battlestar Galactica, 2.04,
Resistance 244) Battlestar Galactica, 2.05,
The Farm 245) Battlestar Galactica, 2.06,
Home, Part 1 246) Battlestar Galactica, 2.07,
Home, Part 2 247) Battlestar Galactica, 2.08,
Final Cut 248) Battlestar Galactica, 2.09,
Flight of the Phoenix 249) Battlestar Galactica, 2.10,
Pegasus 250) Battlestar Galactica, 2.11,
Resurrection Ship, Part 1 251) Battlestar Galactica, 2.12,
Resurrection Ship, Part 2 252) Battlestar Galactica, 2.13,
Epiphanies 253) Deadwood, 3.01,
Tell your god to ready for blood. 254) The Big Bang Theory, 3.16,
The Excelsior Acquisition 255) How I met your Mother, 5.15,
Hooked 256) Being Human, 2.07,
Episode Seven 257) Being Human, 2.08,
Episode Eight 258) Grey's Anatomy, 6.16,
Perfect Little Accident 259) Criminal Minds, 5.16,
Moslay Lane 260) Caprica, 1.06,
Know thy Enemy 261) How to make it in America, 1.01,
Pilot 262) How to make it in America, 1.02,
Crisp 263) How to make it in America, 1.03,
Paper, Denim & Dollars 264) X files, 1.16,
Young at Heart 265) X files, 1.17,
E.B.E. 266) How to make it in America, 1.04,
Unhappy Birthday 253) Battlestar Galactica, 2.14,
Black Market 254) The Big Bang Theory, 3.17,
The Precious Fragmentation 255) How I met your Mother, 5.17,
Of Course 258) Grey's Anatomy, 6.17,
Push 259) Criminal Minds, 5.17,
A Solitary Man 260) Angel, 5.11,
Damage 261) Angel, 5.12,
You're Welcome 262) Angel, 5.13,
Why We Fight 263) Angel, 5.14,
Smile Time 264) Angel, 5.15,
A Hole in the World 265) Angel, 5.16,
Shells 266) Angel, 5.17,
Underneath 267) Angel, 5.18,
Origin 268) Angel, 5.19,
Time bomb 269) Gossip Girl, 3.13,
The Hurt Locket 270) Lost, 6.06,
Dr. Linus 271) Lost, 6.07,
Recon 272) Gossip Girl, 3.14,
The Lady Vanished 273) House, 6.16,
Black Hole 274) Skins, 4.06,
JJ 275) Skins, 4.07,
Effy 276) Skins, 4.08,
Everyone 277) the Pacific, 1.01,
Part One 278) Battlestar Galactica, 2.15,
Scar 279) X Files, 1.20,
Darkness falls 280) X Files, 1.21,
Tooms 281) Freaks&Geeks, 1.04,
Kim Kelly Is My Friend 282) Freaks&Geeks, 1.05,
Tests and Breasts 283) Freaks&Geeks, 1.06,
I'm With the Band 284) Freaks&Geeks, 1.07,
Carded and Discarded 285) Freaks&Geeks, 1.08,
Girlfriends and Boyfriends 286) Freaks&Geeks, 1.09,
We've Got Spirit 287) Freaks&Geeks, 1.10,
The Diary 288) Freaks&Geeks, 1.11,
Looks and Books 289) Freaks&Geeks, 1.12,
The Garage Door 290) Freaks&Geeks, 1.13,
Chokin' and Tokin 291) Freaks&Geeks, 1.14,
Dead Dogs and Gym Teachers 292) Freaks&Geeks, 1.15,
Noshing and Moshing 293) Freaks&Geeks, 1.16,
Smooching and Mooching 294) Freaks&Geeks, 1.17,
The Little Things 295) Freaks&Geeks, 1.18,
Discos and Dragons 296) Caprica, 1.07,
The Imperfections of Memory 297) Caprica, 1.08,
Ghosts in the Machine 298) Caprica, 1.09,
End of Line 299) the Pacific, 1.02,
Basilone 300) the Pacific, 1.03,
Melbourne 301) Lost, 6.09,
Ab Aeterno 302) How I met your Mother, 5.18,
Say Cheese 303) Grey's Anatomy, 6.17,
Suicide is painless
304) How to make it in America, 1.05, Big in Japan 305) How to make it in America, 1.06, Good Vintage
306) Supernatural, 5.15, Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid
307) Gossip Girl, 3.15, The Sixteen-Year-Old Virgin
308) The Big Bang Theory, 3.18, The Pants Alternative
309) How to make it in America, 1.07, Keep On Truck'n
310) Lost, 6.10, The Package
311) Deadwood, 3.02, I Am Not the Fine Man You Take Me For.
312) Deadwood, 3.03, True Colors.
313) Deadwood, 3.04, Full Faith and Credit.
314) Deadwood, 3.05, A Two-Headed Beast.
315) Deadwood, 3.06, A Rich Find.
316) Deadwood, 3.07, Unauthorized Cinnamon.
317) Deadwood, 3.08, Leviathan Smiles.
318) Deadwood, 3.09, Amateur Night.

Empire Strikes Jack.
322) Gossip Girl,3.17 Inglorious Bassterds.
323) Gossip Girl,3.18 The Unblairable Lightness of Being.
324) Deadwood, 3.10, A Constant Throb.
325) Deadwood, 3.11, The Catbird Seat.
326) Deadwood, 3.12, Tell Him Something Pretty.
327) Lost, 6.11, Happily Ever After.
328) Lost, 6.12, Everybody Loves Hugo.
329) House, 6.16, Lockdown.
330) How to make it in America, 1.08, Never Say Die.
331) How I met your Mother, 5.19, Zoo or False.
332) The Big Bang Theory, 3.19, The Wheaton Recurrence.
333) Grey's Anatomy, 6.19, Simpathy for the parents.
334) Cominal Minds, 5.18, The Fight.
335) Glee, 1.14, Hello.
336) Justified, 1.01, Fire in the Hole.
337) Justified, 1.02, Riverbrook.
338) Justified, 1.03, Fixer.
339) Justified, 1.04, Long in the Tooth.
340) The Pacific, 1.04, Graham Yost.
341) The Pacific, 1.05, Carl Franklin.
342) Friday Night Lights, 1.01, 343) Friday Night Lights, 1.02, 344) Friday Night Lights, 1.03,
345) Friday Night Lights, 1.04, 346) Friday Night Lights, 1.05, 347) Friday Night Lights, 1.06,
348) Friday Night Lights, 1.07, 349) Friday Night Lights, 1.08, 350) Friday Night Lights, 1.09,
351) Friday Night Lights, 1.10, 352) Friday Night Lights, 1.11,
362) Glee, 1.16,
363) How I met your Mother, 5.20 364) How I met your Mother, 5.21 365) The Big Bang Theory, 3.20
366) House, 6.17, 367) House, 6.18, 368) House, 6.19,
369) Grey's Anatomy, 6.20 370) Grey's Anatomy, 6.21 371) Supernatural, 5.18
372) Supernatural, 5.19 373) Supernatural, 5.20 374) Supernatural, 5.21
375) Gossip Girl,3.19 376) Gossip Girl,3.20