Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Older Loggy Bayou Tree Stand

Third Anonimeme Italian!

Our dear anonymous writers and production, as promised back from you, after an absence of almost four months!
we miss you? You burned your fingers by the desire to write something but were without ideas? Or you were so full of ideas to find yourself without enough time to write them all?
Well, since we are going exactly, we thought that a return of good old Anonimeme theme completely free was the best way to resume old habits, say hello and to also welcome any new writers.


For those unfamiliar with the rules and procedures and those who do not remember, here they are:

1. ANONYMITY . The anonymous-meme are beautiful precisely because even the most timid writers can try their hand at something that would never have the courage to write. But it's up to you, you are free to post with your user-name, or click More Options / Other options and post anonymously.
2. KINK . That's fine, take advantage and ask you how many kink! But keep in mind the situation and prompt you're writing fanfiction, or in this case, the theme of the meme. And, above all, tell if the Kink is heavy.
3. PATROL NO. We are not contrary to fanfictions with minors, you can ask for and write quante volete, ma il rating non deve assolutamente superare il PG-13 se i protagonisti (anche solo uno dei due) dovessero avere meno di 17 anni.
4. NO WANK E LAMENTELE! Ne abbiamo sin troppe nel fandom, critiche costruttive sono ben accette e vanno più che bene, ma se non vi piace, ricordatevi che nessuno vi obbliga a leggere. :)
5. PAIRING : L'importante è che uno dei due protagonisti sia un Johnny's. Quindi vanno benissimo pairing dei Drama, con altri artisti della musica giapponese o persino occidentali, ma usate un po' di giudizio, come al solito. Non cerchiamo ORIGINAL CHARACTER (OC) come protagonista della storia, se volete inserirli sullo sfondo è ben accetto. E, ultima cosa, but you never know, remember it's a anonimeme yaoi and shounen AI. Here we talk about love between men, not inseriteci girls between the protagonists.
6. PROMPT AND FILL : they are allowed to fill more request, if someone were to post a comment like "my" or "I am writing this the" do not take this as a reservation, but simply as a way to inform the prompter that his request has not gone unnoticed. Moreover, if the prompt was this a specific situation (a performance, an interview, a special video of an event) if possible, add a link so that the filler can document possible - or if does not, try to describe the the situation better.

The form for posting requests is this:

Pairing: (Chi / Chi) (for ease of understanding, let's remember that the order is the seed / uke)
What I want: (in this case really any thing, a kink, a sentence that you particularly liked an interview, a song, a picture, a fantasy. The theme is absolutely free, and for the prompt to fill.)
Rating: (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17)

Welcome back from us, PIMPATECI so e. .. Enjoy! :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Harley Davidson Slippers

Halloween: REVELATION POST! + Ad

Good evening to all, girls and boys (yes, I know, but we try anyway)! There
we miss?
We make several apologies, but the truth is that in addition to our commitments in this period, we thought about postponing the Post Revelation and thus again next Anonimeme would help to oxygenate all a bit 'the brain and start with the same desire and the same enthusiasm that we all started!

Then, without delay, first of all is the turn of


The rules are always to be the same, but does not hurt to refresh your memory given how much time has passed.
The important thing is that the authors are to prove, but if the applicants wish to personally thank the filler of their prompt, are welcome! The
form to post also has not changed:

Title: Pair
Link to history: (in case anyone had trouble finding it, there is just next to each comment link next to the word 'now, by the way, simply click on it and comes out the thread)

And given that in the short four months have passed since the last Anonimeme, our idea was to get back with you, this time with an old-fashioned Anonimeme to Free theme.
This means that anyone can prompte any thing, there will be no restrictions on theme, length of fill, rating, pairing or anything else.
You can also draw on past Anonimeme old prompt you wanted to see if you were not even been written to prompt you, or recover old issues that have not had time to think of anything to ask.
short, a Anonimeme without rules (within limits).

This is our idea, but we are open to new ideas! :) And since we have noticed new girls on the pastries, we also welcome and we hope that their wish to participate!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Autobus Expreso Futra


I love the emoticons, for one reason only: because there are times when these are more explanatory than a thousand words.

Sunday morning.
was almost 12 and I had just woken up. Because, as usual, I wasted a whole morning, I could devote to the dissertation, I slingshots to the PC to write. Of course, before that, I opened the mailbox to see if there were new, and here I appear in reports from, the site of an international ff.
Now, I do not know how many of you know but a few year ago, I published some ficion there too, and only then, either because I do not like the way you post, or because the Italian fandom almost does not exist, or because I forget, I did not put anything. Yes, basically I had completely forgotten about an account there.
then I go and see who it is that I have reviewed it, curious, and before my eyes there is a request. Translation. of my fic. In English.
my face at that moment and for at least ten minutes later:
and then I read the first, second, third, fourth time: the request always there, not escaped. Oh my God!
Still bewildered, almost in shock to contact the author to tell her that, yes, has my permission.
Just today, I receive a message from him that shows me where the translation .
And, yes, it's been two days, but my facial expression is not changed. XD