Monday, December 13, 2010

Meningitis Organism Name


Taken from the blog of Ale, which has taken from someone else's blog, which has taken from ... okay, we understand each other! XD

where to buy books in bookstores or online?
libraries, kiosks, fairs and flea markets. Despite the media on publishing my thesis, I just bought a book from the Internet and email, too. So I do not know what it's worth. XD

waiting until you finish reading a book before buying another or you have an escort?
I have no such problems: if I find a book that interests me, I take it then that I find (and if you do not find it anymore? I wonder, especially for some titles). As evidence, I have a lot of books on the list, but they are still the fault of the study. XD

Usually when you read?
Always and everywhere, just that I'm doing nothing. I always carry a book with me when I know I need to wait - mail trains, even when I have to wait a bit tardy - at least not so boring!

you do influence the number of pages when you buy a book?
Only when it comes to study books. XD The mole scares. XD Usually, however, are more structured and more intrigue me. I know I'm not normal.

favorite genre?
I read all I, I will not be any problem. However, if I choose, I prefer the classics, the yellow (best classics too), and the trhiller, the romance genre, romantic comedies. I'm also very authors: if I like them, are usually guarantee that even the titles that I have not read, you might like, although the gender may be different.

favorite author?
Victor Hugo, Jane Austen, Umberto Eco, Agatha Christie, Andrea Camilleri, Haruki Murakami, Paulo Coelho, Shophie Kinsella (except the saga of Shopaholic ).

When did your passion for reading?
I read along. My mother tells me that when I was little, I loved to look at the pictures of the magazines, rigorously starting from the end (I knew that I would read the manga, you grow up?). My most vivid memory of a book, is about nine years, hundreds of times when I read the dictionary of mythology (the items that I loved her, eh, not all!) And Magazine Gian Gale .
As for my passion, however, I must thank the school library of the school: Heart of flesh after of Tamaro, I have never stopped. XD At the end of the prof. had more books that I read. And 'thanks to Professor of Italian if I'm here now and if I chose to make books on my studies and my life.

Pay your books?
only people that I trust blindly ..

Read a book you can read at a time or several at once? depends on moments, the times and how a book gets me: if I can not staccarmici, until I finish, not way to others!

Your friends \\ family read?
In my family, I am the only one obsessed with the books, my sister law, but only the books she chooses, I never knew what strange second criterion, but it goes well, his business. My friends, mostly, they read (in fact, this test I got from a friend XD). Then, considering that I write stories and I attend a faculty or where you love books or not I understood what we would do one there, well, it seems to me logical.

How long on average to read a book?
depends on how much a book I like, since, by the size and a lot of factors. I read books even in a single day - and not necessarily of a few pages! - But there are some titles which, for various reasons, end up in years.

When you see someone reading (eg in public transport) peek at the book's title?
If I can, yes.

If all the world's books were to be destroyed and could only save one, what would it be?
The risk there would be no, because first of all remove the neck to allow anyone to take similar action.

Why do you like reading?
Because every book is a world, different, special, fantastic in its way, although the book might not like it. And to live in this world is a privilege that I love too much and that I would never give up.

Read books or borrow only books you own?
Both, I have no preference. Of course, I give priority to books provided for return to owners.

Which book you never got to finish?
Treasure Island: the podium too and I do not know why; The Lord of the Rings: The classic fantasy is not for me, no, definitely.

Have you ever bought books just for the cover? What strikes you the covers? No. At best for the title, if it inspires me, but at least I read the story. The cover alone is not never inspires me, neither in good nor bad.

There is a publishing house that you love and especially why?
Well, not very: usually, I look at the publication itself, not who the public. And then, every publishing house has its own strengths and weaknesses. Type, Salani costs too much, while Mondadori is a great because it makes economic issues, which can be truly defined as such (ok, I know you are Facsimiles and copies that cost less, but one must also look at the portfolio !). Because I love Tom Felton allowed me to read authors who would otherwise never have known. Who I was pleasantly surprised, however, was the Besa, quite by chance, I read them a book and I could not appreciate the choice of paper, large type, and visible and cover, all with an excellent value for money.

bring books or wherever you keep them safe at home?
Of course, how else would I read anywhere? XD

What is the book that you gave and who did you like most?
No! I hate 'ste questions where I'm forced to choose! However, having to do it, I would say trilogy of Batimeus , received last year from mine. Actually I asked them to take and then I would have returned, but then they told me they would have given them. I loved it, really: even if you do not particularly like the fantasy and I highly recommend reading.

How do you choose a book to give away?
Knowing the tastes of the recipient, of course.

Your library is sorted by a particular criterion?
As a future librarian, my dream is to put them all in alphabetical order and for the series, divided by genres. Obviously, not having a library like that of the Beast, I had to limit even though I tried to follow this policy, add in what format, and a section just for my sister, so I do not care does not say that his books! : P

When you read a book he notes, the laws or jump?
Apart Bartiméus, whose notes are better than the book itself, I think I have not ever found (or were known to translation, which I always read). For the study books and essays is different: usually skipped, but the thesis is a major source of bibliographic information and does not, then do not lose one. XD

Read any introductions, prefaces or afterwords jump? Leaving
lost books of the argument, so that is said about the speech, usually skipped, unless I do not care for some particular reason (maybe the preface is made by someone who particularly appreciate), but I read , thanks, always. I do not know why, but I like them. XD


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