Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Coxsackie Can Rash Itchy

Anonimeme Italian: DRABBLES

yaoiste Welcome back!
How were the holidays? Hot? Cold? Foreign? Tanned? Sick?
We, for our part, we hope very well, and we wanted to give a hand to start in September (ie school, work, study and all those bad and bad things there) so a bit 'less sad than usual.
Revelation the last post we have not received many confirmations, so we adopted the forum silence = consent, more than anything else, let's face it, noting that the last Anonimeme with this theme was a huge success. Are you ready, then? : D


imagine that we all know what it is, but refresh your memory for any (hopefully) new arrivals will not hurt anyone. You can pick any topic at any prompt, trace, pairing, rating, genre, or kink, the only rule is to fill, or when you write your fanfiction in response to the prompt: you must write and only absolutely drabbles, or short stories invented around hundred words, if two hundred drabbles double, triple if three hundred. Do not worry about a little word in more or less, we are not as tax!

The rules are always the same:

1. ANONYMITY. The anonimeme are beautiful precisely because even the most timid writers can try their hand at something that would never have the courage to write. But it's up to you, you are free to post with your user-name, or click More Options / Other options and post anonymously.
2. KINK. That's fine, take advantage and ask you how many kink! But keep in mind the situation and prompt you're writing fanfiction, or in this case, the tema della meme. E, soprattutto, avvisate se il Kink è pesante.
3. NO PEDOFILIA. Non siamo contrarie alle fanfictions con i minorenni, potete chiederne e scriverne quante volete, ma il rating non deve assolutamente superare il PG-13 se i protagonisti (anche solo uno dei due) dovessero avere meno di 17 anni.
4. NO WANK E LAMENTELE! Ne abbiamo sin troppe nel fandom, critiche costruttive sono ben accette e vanno più che bene, ma se non vi piace, ricordatevi che nessuno vi obbliga a leggere. :)
5. PAIRING: L'importante è che uno dei due protagonisti sia un Johnny's. Quindi vanno benissimo pairing dei Drama, con altri artisti della musica giapponese o persino occidentali, ma usate un po' di giudizio, come al solito. Non we ORIGINAL CHARACTER (OC) as the protagonist of the story, if you want to put them in the background is welcome. And, last but you never know, remember it's a anonimeme yaoi and shounen AI. Here we talk about love between men, not inseriteci girls between the protagonists.

And, given the problems encountered during the last meme with this issue, we specify only two things:
- When one of the writers in a writing prompt "I'll take it!" or the like, this is not intended as a reservation, but only as an expression of interest. So, for a prompt will be accepted only fill several more.
- When the situation required it really happened and very specific (a performance, an interview or something), it is good by the prompter provide if not a link, much information as possible to avoid other problems with a fill that does not meet its demands.
If in doubt, read the post here!

Two more things: Please note that the post of PROPOSALS is always open, and especially PIMPATECI !

Prompt maidens as you can, and have fun!


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