Title: Trastulli
The Shield Characters: Shane Vendrell, Curtis "Lemonhead" Lemansky
Pairing: None
Party: 1 / 1 (fortunately)
Rating: R (Just to be sure)
Genre: Dumb.
Word Count: 213 (counter word)
Prompt: Popcorn
Summary: Just know that will end up looking at that porn.
Notes: I found that I need something stupid at this time. The prompt is provided. The
fandom a bit 'less, but still ... We are doing well. And then I read the prompt, I thought the two of them, so I talked to them. Thanks to Mary
betarmi that keeps things unknown to her with the same spirit as always meticulous.
"Please ..." he begins as soon as you set foot inside the house Shane and Lem launches in the custody of a slim DVD. Lem
grasps the fly and looks thrilled.
"We were told to take something else!" Exclaims horrified by fixing the first floor of a very long black penis.
Shane looks innocent and up a bit 'shoulders before throwing on the couch.
"Well, I think differently ..."
"It 's the usual porn, dick!"
"Yes, but there are also orgies, women with women, men with men ... A nice concentrated fuck for everyone, man, "replied Shane adjusting the lapels of his jacket while looking for a comfortable fit.
The gaze of the other candidate does not take away that air from the face.
"A comedy for a change?" Test Lem bagging his shoulders. We already feel defeated.
"Comedy? "Lem
stared for a minute or two. Both
knows that will end up looking at that porn. They begin with the crap shoot
laughing like idiots and maybe eventually get a saw like hell in high school heat. Swear
half-heartedly shaking his head and throws the DVD Shane waiting beside the phrase that seals as usual their free evenings, those where women are scarce and Vic is on duty in the family.
"Hey Lem! Popcorn maxi "
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