Since I'm not hungry, sleepy, desires, interests, opinions, drives, works and actions, news, features, continuity and discontinuity, Euripides, Seneca and Tacitus and sopprattutto are only a quarter to midnight, takes advantage of what remains of my time - and notes that today I made a total type five hours of rest, because Diolosa not know anything and I paurina, but they are way too many - to knock out a meme designed in the above five hours free, so why tomorrow, which will be less than three, I can look back and say, "Oh, but that post is to throw down." Well, I have the hearing in three days and I fear a comedy. luck to all, brothers and sisters, especially the beloved eide_oconrad
about to cross the most tense 24 hours of its existence.
I like writing though. And I want to read Petronius, Suetonius, Tacitus and Yourcenar (which is the only thing that is saving me, this intrigue and good old Giulioclaudio irish_breeze ) - which is on my own bed, between Medea and the three volume manual of Latin literature - and company, to make exchanges of books, to see the Killers and FF and exit home to something that is not going to bliblioteca and study. That totally contradicts the first three lines of the whole, however. Secondly, then I will dedicate to the actual meme dear, I have a little question for all fellow smokers. For you not to smoke for a long time and / or in times of crisis goes paripasso with a weak, depressing feeling of growing anxiety? It 's really a hard life. UH! E - albeit with a few hours late - HAPPY BIRTHDAY
! However ....
stolen compagnissima
(also less than three):
(1) List 10 ONE TRUE pairings That You Admire.
(2) Put all of Them in order (10-1, 1 is the ultimate OTP).
(3) Said Supply photos for people.
(4) Post your favorite shares.
(5) Tag 5 people.
(6) I cheated on most of the above. First, as always, the ship is in no particular order. Secondly, the ship are more than ten (because away, is a number from tyrants). Finally, we mostly limit the scope tvshowistico.
10. Arthur Petrelli / Linderman Dan (Heroes OldGen)
There is little to say about this ship. It changed my life, and thanks to her I wrote perhaps the best things ever, or at least what I loved most. I do not know what to say, are always the best thing one can imagine \u0026lt;3
09. Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki (RPS) The most classic of fantastic ship RPS. There is a reason for not shipp with devotion and love them! I am a stupendevolezza concentrate on and off screen (?)!\u0026lt; 3
08. Blair Waldorf / Chuck Bass (Gossip Girl) This is also a must. Blair and Chuck, Chuck and Blair. Never stop our little hearts behind their troubles are missing? their mental tubamenti? To their whims? Let's hope not! A dock to the King and Queen of the Upper East Side \u0026lt;3
07. Mohinder Suresh / Gabriel 'Sylar' Gray (Heroes)
meravigliosità When I think of this ship, I feel within me an all-encompassing feeling of lack. The way all this beauty is finished in nothing controriprova that this series is sinking more and more. You are loved so much, what the hell! Ç_____ç I miss.
06. Dean Winchester / Castiel (Supernatural)
This ship needs no further description. He made a crazy fandom. Perdindirindina are stracanon! ° ° and in brackets are the greatest thing in the world, because one is all clear to see that Dean is understood and abetted and meanwhile those huge blue eyes. Really, do you remember it was your life before Misha Collins?
Tobias Beecher
Chris Keller
A couple that has the epic. Put it here was a whim and I feel really happy deep to present a slice of the universe that does not know them (yet?). I'm one of those things that look perfect and painful and all you do is cry inside, is that things go well, whether they go wrong. AW T____________________________T
04. Lee 'Apollo' Adama / Kara 'Starbuck' Thrace (Battlestar Galactica)
I know that the dear flist is not exactly overflowing with fans of BSG that could benefit from this presence in the top10, or words I'm going to spend. Among the qualities that has millemiliardietrecentoventidue of this series, certainly one of the main ship. I'm not really even sure that this is the most popular, is that some pairs of incredibly fantastic altrettando there will be another three or four. I put Lee and Kara, but symbolize also the various Helo / Sharon, Adama / Roslin and Giaus / Six. On the other hand, this pair is unbelievable. I think I have never seen anything more detailed and complex, yet amazingly realistic in any series, at least not in a het couple. I love them; _;
03. Edward 'the Comedian' Blake / Sally 'Silk Spectre I' Jupiter (Watchmen)
Not that this ship is its own perverse way, however, a pochinino are there. Nothing to do: it seems that I have a natural inclination toward everything is ruined and painful. How is it that a woman is almost raped by someone and eventually a part of her loves him enough to make us a beautiful daughter? Just like that Besides the comic is one of my favorite people in the universe and marry each day of the week for all eternity.
02. Eric Foreman/13 (House), Sawyer / Juliet Burke (Lost), Lincoln Borrows / Alexander Mahone (Prison Break)
Yes, no, of course. This is what is called cheating. In the end, let's face it, TEN SHIP? and 'a ridiculous number! xD I decide to stick with this fandom mezzuccio three very dear to me, with the ship tiepidine and quiet, which is another genre that I love very much. Define Tenerina quiet Fromen / Thirteen is at least partially. Why, we understood. Coooooomunque are beautiful, are interracial and face a dark future. Shippo them before they canonized, because in reality they are not very good at this PerVISIOnI, and when it happened I ...*/////////////////// / * Juliet and Sawyer are a ship I love you very much for a number of reasons. First, the old James took out that part of himself that we all knew to be hidden somewhere. On the other hand, see the sincere devotion of a woman as complicated as Juliet is movingly honest. In short, love and hope and love them well; _; for others, I chose a ship that I do not know what exists, but where I think a lot. Have you ever noticed those ammiccatine and smiles and jokes to embrace and 'no matter if you killed my father because I know now that you're a good Christian'? no? I do. AWWWWWWWW */////*
This is a small delivery ucrutopico recently, that if there were not that bitch of maturity, you would know already. And if Brandon Flowers ascended on a time machine, all decorated with rhinestones and returned twenty-five years insietro ?*///////////* In fact, all born from the juicy performance of Brandon with U2, in a song to my knowledge not much loved by the fans - except Ada and Linda, who are notoriously of u2fan abnormal - that would be a little while, not placed in fear of you mess with the cut. short, !>////////////////////////////\u0026lt; keep the two first women !>//////// ////////////\u0026lt;
What do you think? xD and finally ... Honorable Mention! 00. Ruspoli Roberto / Chiara Tonelli / Alessandro Borghese (Privileges for Guests RPS) \u0026lt;3
Since there is no limit to cheat (?), Not only an eleventh place (?) Ship, but above all they asked a stupid and probably destined to oblivion. Raise your hand those of you who have Sky. Of them, raise their hand who follow Discovery Real Time. Of the remaining Hands up all those who are able to do things earlier etre and not even a shipp pochininoinoino these three. Lost are FANTASTIC! I thought millemila times to inspire them for the characters and throw something down, but it seems really hard to do it justice!
PS: In the final note I would add that soon will be an expensive distilled top10 (20? 30?) Of the imperial ship Latina , with juicy and heartfelt recasting pertecipazione. This and the help of