Title: Leave the ways That you are making love - What You Really Do not Want To Love.
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Torque: Roy Mustang / Jean Havoc
Rating: PG13
Prompt: 6. you can sleep while I drive
Summary: I hoped that the words he once told me that car would be hoisted in the past.
"You can sleep while I drive."
Word Count: 1812 (Word counter)
Warnings: shonen to
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me but are owned by Hiromu Arakawa which holds all rights. I do not claim to make money except in fantasy.
Table: Table
Notes: My fifth story! Finally! After centuries of total crisis replenish the table Syllables Of Time some to conclude it as quickly as possible! Famous last words ... XD
This story also participated in the Challenge of V Criticón with labyrinthine notice if the author was not mentally buggy and had confused the date for delivery. I ask again apologize to my opponent. Join
however Temporal- mind. The prompt is below the title.
thank my beta ever Mary for her outstanding work.
to you.
Leave the Ways That Are
making you love What you really do not Want to Love.
(Prompt 6: You can sleep while I drive)
Do not lose your grip on the dreams of the past, you must fight just to Keep Them Alive. "(Eye of the Tiger - Survivor)
And you know you potertelo afford.
Do you know yet we hope.
Yet you do it.
The smells around you are strong, precise, some unknown.
Raise your head and drives the movement of leaves up to that remain motionless. The haze may not yet lifted altogether. Hovers on the grass as white smoke.
smell the scent of wet grass and bowed his head just grazing the surface of the water while continuing to seek ways around it.
may have been the wind, of course. It might. But you know that it is not.
The danger is something that you know to recognize despite the thirst and hunger.
Raise the nose dripping and still tends to turn it around in small steps alarmed.
not a sound, not a movement. Only
unknown smell, vaguely disturbing.
You have four legs. We imprint force to detach the first agile leap. And then the leaves are only eddies of green and gray when you let yourself dall'esultanza of the race, the shock of adrenaline into the circulation.
Sai potertelo not afford, but you do it and we can well. When
emerges from the dream I still feel the mad rush that gives me the certainty that if imprimessi absurd enough I will move my legs.
'm just going to try tightening the tongue between his teeth when his hand came to rest on my thigh.
I do not even feel the weight and heat.
's just the image of a hand. Just my brain knows it is there.
I look to fix it next to me, too bothered by continuing to look at the gloved hand resting where it should not.
The horizon is a deep blue wire under the thick layer of leaden clouds.
Soon we will leave behind this inclement weather that so irritated the Colonel.
will return soon to talk about shaking off the heaviness and uneasiness that always takes on when the weather is so uncertain.
I hoped that the words he once told me that car would be hoisted in the past.
"You can sleep while I drive."
the corner of my eye I looked at him but he lays down the straight with a serious look endless, impenetrable. The hands are not perfectly attached to the steering wheel too tight, not too soft. I look at my
legs and the hand is obviously not there anymore. I can
bitter smile. I do not know if I'll ever get used to but you get used to everything, I know. You come to terms with anything if you want to survive.
"You were upset." Sudden he tells me.
not answer. In the dream I remember running and feeling of danger, but nothing I could connect to anxiety. Indeed. It was a beautiful dream.
is not a danger to scare me when you have the weapons to deal with it. The strong feeling galvanizes me, this makes me, alive.
This is probably why I became a soldier, apart from the rest. Sigh
rests his head against the seat, watching the landscape change over the glass. It
goes home at last.
rolled down the window to sniff the smell of earth and rain.
The long stretches of wheat fields are lost to that blue intense and I feel strangely calm and soothed.
There is no danger at home, not even a thrill of unexpected, but there is serenity and little time to brood.
"What's there to smile?"
I find it hard to escape the wind that stirs my hair and its motion between the thick grass along the roadsides. I looked at him puzzled. His profile is always so serious. I've never seen happy.
Ironic, yes, often. Sick irony. Or I seen laughing coarsely but laugh too hard as if it were a duty.
When we were at the most peaceful of our relationship the best that I saw was a slight stretching of the lips. A sort of defiant grin.
"I'm happy to go home, tell him never mind and resume looking out of her puffy annoyed.
The monotonous landscape so much that goes back making me feel sleepy eyelids heavy. I do not fight.
"You can sleep while I drive," he told me and I always obey my Colonel.
The race continues in a frantic darting of green and brown and you feel euphoric, light. You know you're fleeing
something just behind you but the euphoria makes you feel good. Just hang
legs in a perfect arc and that something can never reach you.
race towards the pack waiting for you somewhere later and you feel invincible until you can run as long as you breath and want to do it.
long as you know it well.
Somewhere I sense that what you are doing is impossible.
Somehow you know that running is not enough to save you, is never enough.
You do not care.
What interests you right now is exactly what you're doing. Run. Why you do it right. Because the wind
invests the nose and you think something exciting, perfect.
Do you sense that whiz through the forest is vital.
Escaping from that thing that follows you closely.
Yet as can a sudden enthusiasm to know that something is wrong. I feel at a subconscious level. Decrease in stride gradually moving his head around. Circumspect.
Gradually you stop the pain and you sink it. The legs will become strangers. Stumble.
Understand that what follows will be addressed.
Even if you can not run anymore.
emerges from this new fragment of a dream with eyes clouded by tears stupid.
lucky that I had turned my face against the window. The tears dry up almost immediately leaving a discomfort in the stomach and discomfort on both cheeks.
Only after a while, 'I realize that the car has ridiculous pace. The landscape flows slowly as if we were doing a walk.
I turned to Roy.
"What happened?" I ask him with her voice still husky with sleep.
He does not answer at first. Continue straight ahead with eyes half closed as if the light would bother him.
"We are almost there," he says. And her voice seems more hoarse than mine. And it is strange that you catch a hint of anger.
"I know," I reply, and I really want to put a minimum of consternation in the tone because it is almost certain that we do not see each other again yet I can not. I can not but feel relieved and light. I inhale deeply the smell of freshly cut. On either side of the road there are whole bunch left to dry in the sun. "Accelerate, Roy." Cheering him. It seems an order that has the power to enrage them.
I plan on two fierce eyes, dark. And now I can see him sweat moisten the forehead in tiny drops.
"You're the danger," murmured the lips moving with no sound, but I laugh immediately. It 's just Roy, of course! Yet
scares me.
"We need to talk!", Hisses, and before I can think of a retort, "What?" Bewildered.
"About us" I spit like an insult. "About us" and stops the car there in the middle of the road. The
rude gesture which lifts the handbrake seems definitive.
"I do not go out", I think and I am terrified.
"There is nothing to say about us," is able to respond calmly. "I think we have already said everything."
shakes his head vehemently and instead to deny that it seems to me more the gesture of a little boy with Paturnie.
"No. I will not give up. "
" But you already did ", I say cautious. "A long time ago."
She stares at me with eyes in pain. "You do not understand."
I will just keep quiet. No, I do not understand. If I was someone just a little more awake there would have been a "we."
I would have avoided a lot of suffering and a story wrong from the beginning.
And I am sure that I have came across the head and neck in the one moment when that country sent to the brain, too.
I was not a calculation but I just unexpected.
There were moments of our relationship will remain, in spite of what we are now, the most beautiful moments of my life. But it's over.
There were a legacy of pain and some recrimination. And I have thought many times that I would not have never went out, and that the pain of his abandonment I would rot inside.
did not happen.
Of all the love I felt for him has not been a slight glimmer. Some melancholy image. Nothing more.
now is really just my Colonel. I'd give my life for him and what he believes, but even this I can do.
It 's really over, but how can I tell?
fumbled in his pockets and pull out the packet of cigarettes. Turn one seems to me the only answer. Watching from behind the smoke away, sketching a smile ... I can not do anything else.
Not even love him.
"We need to talk ..." he stubbornly clutching the steering wheel in a convulsive grip.
not looking at me. "When everything will be finished come back to you, "he adds. "You'll see that everything will be different ..."
"But it already is," the words together to puff smoke in an exaggerated gesture. I look at him and I feel exhausted. "I do not love you anymore" and when I say I feel miserable.
distract attention from his face and the fixed horizon. I would not be fiercely happy to leave behind but they are and do not like telling lies.
's why I did not realize his outburst.
The machine squirts across the street at breakneck speed and madly off the road.
continues its run crazy bouncing on a verdant plain to the forest.
For a moment I think we should go and get it over and crash, but stops the car just inside the oak grove.
When he turns back to me I understand that it is not over yet.
not finished until he decides.
you able to observe with a critical eye in spite of the situation. As a good soldier you've counted at least five occasions when you could have it dry in the blink of an eye. You know for a fact that you could spread it with a fist or even kill him, is not polished enough or ready. E 'frantic and vulnerable. Just grab the neck and give it a sharp tug. You've killed so many. Stuff seconds.
Yet you leave behind all these opportunities because feel his need as a disease. It does not cost that much to go along. Do not feel nothing, nothing. The only thing you can do is deny him his lips, exposing her neck. It can not last much. Within minutes, if the experience taught you something.
Would you like to try at least a movement of affection for this man who chant your name like a prayer.
There is not even that.
bitter smile peering that piece of smoky sky enclosed by the branches and the open window.
smiling as you think to that wild ride, the air that you whip the nose, pungent smell of wet grass, moss ...
Smile. And you know you
potertelo afford.
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