Title: Outside - Inside
Fandom: RPS - X Factor
Characters: Henry - Matteo - Sara
Pairing: Henry / Matthew
Rating: PG13
Genre: 2 double drabble
Word Count: 400 (counter word)
Warnings: slight slash .
Summary: difficult. Henry and Matthew during a long night
Disclaimer: These people are real but what is said there is absolutely fabricated. There is no gain nor want to hurt anyone!
Notes: There are thoughts that if you do not want to have to come out crazy. And that I had to write so much but because they are angry. And what better than a little 'sweetness of sound when life is so bitter? XD Well, this is the best of sweetness that I could come up with. I'm not unaccustomed to the sweetness. (It could be my motto! E 'in rhyme).
Pity but have not been betate.
Take into account that it is an outlet.
will be three in the morning but I can not sleep.
Sara is doing for some time, dropped his head on my shoulder. The slight
breath tickles my neck. While we made love
she was not in my thoughts and the need for it. Not another idea that his lips on mine and her hips against my hips after too long. E 'was great. Great.
But now completely abandoned me sleep and I know I should not be so. I should be calm and relaxed.
I miss them, is certainly that.
At this time they will be still making trouble in the middle of a jam session and I feel an empty stomach because they are not there with them doing what they love most in the world.
close my eyes and I curse myself for so it is even worse. So my hungry mind may imagine that both Matthew to breathe by my side, belt lazily life with one arm ... I'm going wide open.
prefer dark as I was staring at the ceiling in the loft with the desire and longing to be back there.
And do not think his embrace.
"Wait," he said to me and hugged me.
And damn ... I'm already doing.
I do not know how long are the same, damn page, but this night it seems to me more than the others.
sing together tonight not helped me.
was as if something was missing in the harmony of our voices.
clutching crumpled pages and then let the book slides into the ground over the edge of the bed.
I can not prove that suffused this malaise. Too mild to call it pain. Too annoying to be able to remove a few hours of sleep.
was he who could calm down.
I shake my head and I lean to recapture the book with an angry snap.
I would like to have him here. Occupy three thirds of the bed, but at least I would have her breast to rest the head and the rhythm of his heart to fall asleep.
Instead he is with his girlfriend.
The thought of her breathing quietly in another bed makes me cringe with anger.
"He'll be asleep," I think with a bit of bitterness.
But maybe not.
Perhaps he is imprisoned in the night too long. When I
embraced I felt her breathing become hasty and break into a sob when I asked him to wait.
My name on her lips had the taste of possession.
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